Thursday, May 29, 2008

Week 12 : Electronic civil liberties

This lecture focused on a number of organizations, most especially the EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation which takes it upon itself to protect people's civil liberties online. As people were originally easily taken advantage of, with no one to defend their rights the EFF took it upon itself to fulfill this role. Apparently they have been doing a good job as well. Also freeware, and shareware were discussed, as well as their origins. When programmers began keeping their source code secret, during the commercialization of software, many developers who enjoyed the environment of free exchange of programming code, were incensed by this new development, and took it upon themselve to keep writing software by the old standards of sharing their source code, and allowing others to copy, redistribute, and change it as they saw fit. We also watched a presentation by Lawrence Lessig about the need for the laws to change something I found very poignant, and true. Unfortunately I get the feeling lawmakers will never understand this vision.

Worked on getting references, for essay , and read study guide for exam prep.

Reading 3 things at this point is ridiculous, therefore I shall abstain.

Week 11: The ethics of P2P filesharing

The question of whether or not it is ethical to share copyrighted intellectual property online was discussed at great length. The consensus ended up being in favor of filesharing among the class. We also watched a film called "steal this film" which gave a brief history on information control, and how it has been fought since the printing press. This demonstrates that the struggle for homeostasis vs. transistasis permeates into every sort of feild, especially the struggle for control. The people with power fight against the inevitable to maintain their hold on the market, while the people use technology to aquire what they want in an easy and inexpensive manner.

The Napster case was the recording industry's first real victory against the changing times, though it was shortlived. Now that millions had experienced how easy it was to get free music, they did not want to stop just because Napster had been taken down. After Napster was disbanded the market went underground, with other websites offering filesharing, such as Kazaa, and Morpheus. The case victory is a testament to people's inability to adapt to new technological methods, and devices.

The ethical aspect of filesharing was discussed more, with a focus on the recording industry itself and how it mismanages the millions of dollars they make each month. The reason a lot of people have no ethical qualms over "stealing" from these companies, is that they are millionaires to begin with, and don't need the money as bad as they make it seem in court. So , my decision to practice filesharing has been reinforced ethically. Also the fact that the artists don't make as much off the album sales as they do touring is an effective motivator.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 10 : Blade Runer

For the lecture we watched Blade Runner. A very popular film for what are ambiguous reasons to me. I didn't find it very entertaining at any point, however I got the message they were trying to get across. The idea of the distortion of one's perception of reality, primarily done with the idea of memory implants. Also, the big mystery of the movie were all the hints that they were dropping that Harrison Ford's character was himself a "replicant". It was an interesting device, but not done is a compelling enough way in my opinion.

The question of what defines a human, and whether or not humans are capable of fulfilling these qualifications to their fullest extent, or if a non-human consciousness could achieve a better version of that humanity.

Week 9 : Cyberpunk

From the lecture notes it would seem that the overall theme of cyberpunk is the idea of a dystopian future incited, or caused by technology. Technology is portrayed as a power growing beyond our own control and eventually comes to dominate it's creators. The film the Matrix is given as a prime example of this happening, where we create artificial intelligence, which surpasses our own, and eventually comes to dominate all of mankind. This theme has been very popular in media, films such as Alphaville, blade runner, and existenz also have elements of cyberpunk in its story (Alphaville in particular). It's a very negative view, yet not too fantastic, so it seems believable enough to actually worry about it.

Allegory of the Cave. This ancient work is one of this first real reality-bending works to speak of. Because of the lack of methods to make this seem plausible, such as the cyberpunk themes prevalent today; he was able to get the same message across, that people of the time could relate to, and understand the message of unreliable perception of reality. It's a sort of anlalog version of the Matrix.

Burning Chrome. This story is a prime example of cyberpunk literature, in which technology has fuse with living creatures. In this way the lines between artificial, and real, human, and machine, reality, from fantasy. It's a good example of blurring the lines that are all assumed.

Week 8 : Are games a waste of time?"

Based on the lecture notes, it would seem the major theme of discussion is the different genres of gaming, and their effectiveness on the general public. The evolution of the video game, has probably been of of the greatest driving forces behind the development of the computer in general, on bot a hardware, and software level. Also the progress of the video game in terms of graphics, and sound technology, are the easiest things to keep track of, as they are very evident at a glance. However there has also been remarkable development in story, control, and genre over the years, that most non-gamers are not aware of. Also as discussed in last weeks readings, these games can also function as a training tool of the governments, and a tool of desensitization greater than films, as the user is ultimately responsible for what appears on then screen. This idea in itself however is also a fabrication, as the path the players will take, and choices they can make are already predetermined, by the developers who employ several advanced methods to give the player the illusion of choice, and discovery such as subtle hints to point them in the direction the developers want them to go.

The readings expand on the ideas introduced by the film existenz, i.e. the confusion, and lack of distinction between real life, and in game decisions, and actions. Although it should go without saying that gamers can tell when they are not playing a game, their personalities do tend to shift while gaming. These aspects of their personalities, may eventually start to muddle, and mix with their everyday personalities, creating a sort of hybrid.

I was absent for this tutorial.

Week 7 : Cronenberg : Cinema and technology.

For the lecture we watched David Cronenberg's "Existenz". Another reality-questioning film which takes the approach of reality bending on the part of the video games industry. The plot is essentially a virtual reality game gone awry, and the audience, and protagonists must determine when we are being showed reality or virtual reality. It also depicts a rather dark side of human nature assuming their actions did not have any real-world consequences. The film seems to be an indictment on the games industry in general as many gamers actually behave much more differently as online personas, rather than themselves generally becoming much more extroverted, and in some cases sadistic. There may be a darker side to all of us that our repressed society is inhibiting.

The readings this week were an alarming look ant the governments interests in all forms of media, as a form of propaganda, training, and desensitization of the masses as a means of preparation, or "training". People generally don't think at first glance of games like chess, checkers, or connect 4 as military strategy games, Risk, and Stratego sure, but the connection there is obvious, and intended. Most people don't realize how much of our entertainment, is centered around conflicts, and nationalist idealisms. During World War 2 it is mentioned, how Goebbles intentionally manipulated all forms of media into propaganda for the war effort, even having tropps sing marching songs before going into battle to override the self preservation instinct, and make his troops more fierce in battle. Indeed media can be a very effective weapon when manipulated properly. The disguise is too perfect to be perceived by all.

I was not present for this tutorial.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 6: A Brief History of the Computer and the Internet.

The lecture this week was a lot more informational, than opinionated. A lot of names, dates, and facts were given to us. It was very informative, I learned that the concept of the computer was originated a lot earlier that I originally thought, and were much more useless. The origins of the personal computer were much more seedy as well, everyone stealing from everyone else, and making millions. That aside, the rapidity of the growth of computer performance had always astounded me, I was also unaware that there was a predictable rate of advancement in silicon chip capacity. Alan Turing's involvement in the decoding of the german enigma machine, and his contributions to the modern computer was also interesting.

The readings for this week focused primarily on the need , and pattern of the evolution, and development of technologies, most notably personal computers. The question of when current technologies and methods become insufficient, and obsolete, is one we must constantly ask ourselve, in order to stimulate the growth, of this developing and highly essential technology.

We discussed the development of the physical components of the computer at greater lenght, most notably the German enigma machines.

Wiki page : Final Fantasy 7
The information of this game is quite extensive, as it is a very in-depth story driven game. The plot synopsis is right on the money, as is it's unprecedented critical, and commercial success. There are several dozen links cited as sources which one can use to verify, or procure more data on the subject, and the overview of the game in general is as comprehensive as you can get, without calling it a guide. This Wikipedia page is extremely accurate, and informative. Essentially it tells the reader anything they would need to know about this ground-breaking game.